Thursday, May 29, 2008

step down room

I think the last few hours have been pretty tough. They woke McHaney up from surgery but have been having to re-sedate her because she can't be still. She has her IV in and has to be watched carefully, so they are moving her to a "step down" room. My mom said she asked for a pacifier which she hasn't used in a long time, so I think she must be pretty confused and upset. Rachel and Daren have been in the room with her for the last 3 hours. We are excited the surgery went well, but keep praying that she will feel peaceful.


Heather B Mc said...

We have been praying for Mc all day. So glad the surgery went well. Thanks for the updates.

Katie and Shae said...

praying for Mc, Rach and Daren - love you all!

Anonymous said...

thinking about yall! lauren, thanks for the updates! i know you are probably anxious. praying for you too! xoxo

kma said...

Give the sweet girl her passy! We love ya'll and will continue to watch for news...sounds like there are so many people supporting your family! We love Mc!

kma said...
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