Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Package for Alba

We have received word that we can send Alba one package. Everything in the package must fit inside of a flat 5x7 photo album... They suggested we send things like stickers, and sibling artwork as well as the photo album with pictures of her new family in it. Thus, McHaney and I have put together this small little package while we wait on our photo album to arrive:
Pictures and a necklace made by Mc, a frame we made together with a picture of us in it, and some stickers hand selected by Mc.

Two Sisters
Could this be more descriptive of her future? Wearing a crown & eating a cupcake while "dropping her toys" (probably b/c she has so many!)

A picture of her new home :)

Any ideas of other "flat" things we could send? I did get permission to send a disposable camera... there is no guarantee they will use it or even return it, but it's worth $10 to take the chance they may capture a few of her moments over the next few months!

On another happy note, we get word that on April 8th she had a electrocardiogram and there was no indications of her heart condition. They are saying that the condition no longer exists! Obviously, we will still have her checked out, but this is still great news! God is good!!!!!!

1 comment:

Carrie, The Modern Housewife said...

just a bunch of stickers? sticker books?