Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Finding Place

I know I have days of blogging to catch up on. My sweet friend Leigh Ann even told me last night, "We need a new blog update!" But, I've honestly been so physically and mentally exhausted at the end of each day that I usually just go to bed right after Miss Alba. Last night I even sat down and tried to make myself do it, but I couldn't.

This morning though, 5:30am my time, I've been inspired.

Yesterday, we went to see Alba's "Finding Place" as they call it. This is the place where she was originally found after her abandonment. The original report said she was "found on the side of the ----- road with nothing", but the report we got when we officially adopted said she was sound at the "community service station on the side of the ------ rd." So, I was hopeful. Maybe her bio parents did care enough to leave her somewhere important, somewhere people would definitely see her and help her.

We traveled outside of the city about 30 minutes.... the area we were traveling through was nice and the university is there and a train station, so I started immediately forming ideas in my mind about where she came from, who her parents were, had they been students? Did they travel in from another city so as not to be caught? I don't think so.

First of all the train station is being built, so it would not have been active at the time of her abandonment. Secondly, after going through this pretty nice area, we turned down a road and I looked at DP and said "I hope this isn't it...." The driver pulled over got out, and our guide said.... "this is the rd., we just have to find the service station. He's going inside to ask where it is." My stomach turned. All I could think was Oh My God, Oh My God. I'm telling you, it was nasty.

Long story short, after asking about 5 people where it was and driving up and down this dirty road, we concluded that the road is actually the abandonment sight and she was taken to the community SS to meet the police when she was found.

I just started crying. I looked down at this precious child, she's given me heartache and fits over the last 4 days, she's made me happy and warmed my heart as well. I already love her so much. How could her bio parents, after 3 months or even 3 days, walk out onto a street (that was so dirty and dusty our driver asked us to roll up the windows as we were driving down it) in the middle of the slums and drop her on the side of a filth infested road? No belongings, no chance of a future....

It's really been bothering me since we went. I just look at that face and think, "you've come a long way kiddo..." I don't understand it. I really really can't comprehend how they could do that. But, maybe what they did isn't the point. Maybe what I'm going to do from here on out is what really matters.

This morning I woke up thinking about it. In that quiet place where only God can be, I started talking to Him. We've had alot of good one sided conversations while I've been here, but this morning He spoke to me. As, I was laying in bed telling Him everything I just told you, the story of Christ's birth came to me... the Son of God was born in a manger, the place where animals lived, there was filth everywhere and it smelled, it was probably just as unsanitary as this; bugs, dust, poop, the works. But, He grew up to be the Savior of the world. If Jesus came into the world with such lowly beginnings, what give me the right to expect more?

I've realized this morning that where you come from and how you got here isn't as important as what you do with it. I've always believed Alba Lee is destined for great things (God planned for her to be ours before she was ever born, so I know he has a plan for her life.) I believe both my girls are and that they will both grow up to serve Christ in some capacity.

Such different beginnings, one born with a silver spoon, one born with nothing, yet I feel God's hand on both of their lives. Who would ever think that two children coming into the world so differently would have the exact same opportunities to give and grow God's love in others? To be and do whatever it is they are called to do for the Kingdom....

Who would have ever thought God would give me the opportunity and resposibility to give and grow God's love in them?


Rhonda Wicks said...

wow.....powerful....lots of good God time in you...cant wait to love on all of you!

Mary-Kate said...

Great post.

Katie said...

I can picture everything you described in the post.
That sweet girl is one blessed child. Can't wait to see you all!

A&L King said...

made me cry... God is already using Alba's adoption for His glory. This is really beautifully written. I'm so proud that you are my sees:)

The Nichols Family said...

Amazing!! you are doing a great and wonderful thing that you were called to do. So proud of you two!

Elizabeth S said...

This was an amazing post. Made me want to bring my own baby home. Maybe one you!

Keisha Taylor said...

This is such a great revelation on God's love and purpose for each of us! I'm so happy Alba is with the Phillips now. What an awesome master plan He had in mind.

lyla said...

made me cry... great post :) she's lucky she found her way to you.