So, I guess our first blog should tell you what you should know about the Phillips. We're a little family that love each other bunches. We love to be silly together and snuggle alot... some of us like the snuggling part more than others.
There are 4 members of our family. Daren, he's the husband/Daddy. Daren is an executive recruiter. He was an accountant, but this job suits him much better. He is a man of God and a good spiritual leader for our family. He enjoys exercising, cigar smoking, and hunting when he gets the chance. I'm Rachel, the wife/mommy. I work for my dad as a real estate agent. He owns a real estate and development company. I love to shop and spend time with my family. I've been trying to go to a bible study at church, but can't seem to make it (I've been to 1 out of 5!) I guess that's how it is when you have a baby... Speaking of babies, McHaney is the third member of our family. She is 7 months old and loves to laugh, play with her ball, snuggle with almost everyone, and eat. What she doesn't like is sleeping... oh, and the church nursery. Utah, the final member of our little entorage is a silver dapple dauschand. She loves treats, toys, and attention.
Well, now you know about our little family. I'll post more whenever something exciting happens. Thanks for reading!!!
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