Wow! What a weekend!!!! I have lots to blog about... but I'll have to do that later.
I don't have alot of your email addresses, but wanted to invite you to a jeans party I am having on Nov. 8th. They are awesome!!!! This girl comes and brings all kind of designer jeans; Citizen, Paige, Seven, Rock n Republic, Victoria Beckham, etc. These jeans are the real deal too. Original tags are still on them. (I've seen original prices up to 350.00!!!) Anyway, she sells all of them for $70-$80! You get to try on right here at my house and take them with you when you leave! (Plus there is no pressure to buy, b/c you shop like you are at a store. Come and go as you please.)
I've been to 3 of these parties and bought a pair of jeans at everyone!!!
She also has really good knock off purses, wallets and sunglasses too!!
Anyway, if you are interested, please email and let me know your email address. I'll send you all of the details. Trust me, it will be worth your while!!!!!