Monday, October 20, 2008

Ava's Birthday Party

Saturday night we headed over to Ava's Birthday Party! It was fun and the kids all wore their costumes, so they looked super cute. As you can see, the birthday girl was a cheerleader, and Mc was not the only bumble bee in the room!


Jennifer said...

cute! mc is a bee this year too! but Mc's costume is cuter than Mary Carter's.

Courtney said...

cute pictures! hope the necklace made it in time for the party! also I went to mail your jewelry today and my email has completely quit working so I couldn't get to your paypal payment on my phone email! ugh! anyway, got your address online and will send it tomorrow!

A&L King said...

I love the little skirt!

Carrie, The Modern Housewife said...

she looks like she's floating in that picture.