Every year, we have Christmas with Adam and Jac. This year our party had a new member... anyone want to guess who??? That's right, Miss Mary Michael!
At last year's Christmas Dinner, Jac announced she was pregnant, but only 4 weeks. We stayed hush hush about the whole thing for what seemed like months and prayed that all would be well. Then word got out and we, along with everyone else, prayed Jac right thru her pregnancy!
What a blessing to see this precious gift grace our table this year. We couldn't have asked for anything more!
Mc is growing quite partial to MM. (I think she's taking on a big sister role.) They gave her a little cloth house from Pottery Barn for Christmas and Mc knows exactly where it came from. If you ask her she'll say "michael", her new nickname for MM and one of our favorite words to here her say.
All in all we had a great Christmas together, with the exception of my overcooked prime rib which I am bound and determined to master, and I look forward to many more!
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