I've taken so long to write about Thanksgiving because I literally just recovered... seriously! :)
But really, it was a busy week and weekend from Wed-Sun. My extended family from Georgia came in town and we spent almost every day with them. Wednesday night we al went to my Nan's for happy hour, Thanksgiving Day we went to Daren's aunts and them my parents. Friday DP played golf al day and Mc and I shopped with my family. Friday night, Lauren and Andrew, mom and Dad came over and we celebrated Andrew's Bday, at which point Mc had a fever/cold that gave her the chills and lasted until Sunday!
Other than the cold, it was a great holiday. One of the best Thanksgivings I can remember. Here are a few pics. The cute little boy with Mc is my dad's cousin's son. Crazy huh!??!?
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