Some days your kid just cracks you up. I'm sure it happens to everyone. Wednesday was one of those days.
First off, as I'm getting ready that morning, I'm sitting in front of the full length mirror in our bedroom rolling my hair. I can hear Mc in the bathroom, but it's safety proofed, so I'm just going about my business letting her mess around. Then behind me, in the mirror's reflection, I can see her walking very slowly wrapped in toilet paper from her neck to her belly with her arms pinned at her side. The toilet paper is still attached to the roll back in the bathroom!!!! APparently, she got into it and then kept spinning until she didn't know what to do. I guess she was walking out to get help.
I seriously just fell out right there on the floor. I mean, I know I shouldn't laugh at that, but if you could have seen how serious she was about it, and really if you can just get the mental image, you'll know why. As I was running downstairs to get the camera, it finally broke off the roll and started to unravel but, I was able to snap a few pics before she got it all off.
Then she was just into everything all day (which is pretty typical.) But it wasn't the usual stuff. Things like climbing the stairs and calling for me to come get her, (she can't some down by herself yet) and then hiding from me so I couldn't find her.
Finally, at the end of the day, as I'm getting ready for supper, I walk in to the den and she has unbuttoned her top and shimmied out of one arm. Apparently, she's been taking fashion tips from her mommy's college pictures. :)
Anyway, it was just a funny day and I thought I'd share with all of you!