Daren took the day off work Wednesday, and we made a fmaily day out of it. I had d meeting about the house early, so Deda and Mc hung out a little bit. After that, Mc's first real salon experience and a little trip to the zoo.
When I came home, we took Mc to get the haircut. She had an appt. at the Head's up in Green Hills at 11:30. (I don't like them there anyway, and think they are VERY snobby, plus more expensive than ELan for a cut and color, but I didn't really know where else to take her.) Anyway, we show up at 11:35 and the girl her appt was with had already taken someone back. You see, she "goes to lunch at 12, so she couldn't wait." says the receptionist who had her baby with her at work. What?!?!!? "I'm five minutes late." Oh, I was fit to be tied!
So, we leave as I'm shooting one foul word after another out of my mouth. Needless to say we will NEVER, EVER go back in there again. We went driving around and I saw a little Fantastic Sam's under the wine shop and we whipped in. I went in, asked if anyone could cut her hair and they said "of course". Ahh, this was feeling alot better!
A nice lady filled her with dumdums and started cutting. I was a little nervous because we've all heard about how toddlers can't sit still, etc.etc. And, Mc isn't the most laid back kid in the world either. But, she just sat perfectly sitll, followed instructions, and we were done in five minutes. I couldn't believe it. She was great!!!! I didn't get it styled or anything, just trimmed. But, it looks much healthier and seems thicker too. All in all, I was very happy with them.
We rotate between that Fantastic Sams and Great Clips in Bellevue!! Sounds like she did a great job!
I am sure it's adorable! We followed some friends to Becky at Sweet & Sassy & have been there over a year. Addie loves it & the cut is only $14.95. She likes the sucker & glitter star on her cheek, too! By the way....Ford goes, too! HA! Thanks for adding me back on! Kelly
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