Friday, August 29, 2008

First Day of School

Today was Mc's first day of school. I'd like to say it was a sweet sentimental time that I'll remember forever. Me standing at the door, her begging me not to leave, me telling her I love her and will be back... I always come back.

But, nope, that's not how it went. We walked through the doors, she took off running to her room (we had been there yesterday for an open house) and never looked back. Seriously. She never even looked to see if I was there. No goodbyes, no I love you mamas. Just a little body language to say, later on lady who drives me, come back or don't.

Hmm, oh well, atleast I don't feel guilty for leaving her!


A&L King said...

She looks so precious. I love her little bag too!

The Hadfields said...

That is hilarious!! At least that makes it a little easier on you!! :)

kma said...

That's awful for you...but exactly how you want it to be! Way to go, MC! Kelly