Anyway, the build up was awful. I thought it would be one of those things I would never want to do again. The planning, the teaching, the stress... whew. It was too much before it even began. But, once I got into it, and with the help of my wonderful friends Leigh Ann and Jenn, it was a breeze. There was a lot to do, but it was so worth it. The girls were extremely helpful, and I had a great group of kids.
Tonight they did a program, at the church, for all the kids. It was so rewarding to see our class on stage singing the songs and doing the movements. 4 kids were baptized tonight, and 40 accepted Christ this week. How Awesome!!!!!!
So, it was a great week. We had a great time, and I will totally do it again next year!!!!
I won't be posting many pics, as they asked us not to post pics of the kids faces on blogs... but, someone did capture a fantastic, ha, picture of me during my "teaching" time, that I thought I'd share. (note the tie-died tees. We did them in class!)
Way to go Kindergarten teacher! HA! Kelly
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