Last night

It was a blast, and as crazy as ever. With 7 little ones running around it was quite a feat just to keep them fed and diapered! But, they all had a good time playing together. As you can see from the attached pics, everyone wore their pj's and they looked quite cute (Please see the chaos in the video of all of us trying to get a picture of them together.) Although, by the time dinner was over and it was time to open gifts, Mc was the only one still in hers. It was quite comical...
The adults played dirty Santa and the kids had all drawn names (Thanks Bo for the Noah's Ark Little People set.) All of the grandkids/spouses and great-grandkids gave g-ma and g-dad a picture of all of us on the front porch of their old house. I think they really liked it.
Also, the highlight of the evening was when Bo, one of the great-grandchildren (the oldest in fact... he's 4), said the blessing before dinner. So sweet and so well spoken.
It is always such a good time when we get together!
1 comment:
They all look so cute in their pj's!
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