Sorry it has been so long between blogs. My computer got infected with a virus and then it let in more viruses. My computer basically hasn't been working since last Wednesday. I think 3 days of the computer guy coming out, no telling how much money, and 67 found viruses later, we're starting to get back to normal. Still, I have a sneaking suspicion we aren't running completely clean. I guess that is yet to be seen.
Anyway, not much exciting has gone on this last week or so, but I wanted to post a few pics of Mc's wild hair. If anyone has any suggestions about how to keep it under control, please let me know. The longer it gets, the wilder. It is always matted and tangly. I try that no more tears detangler, and it does help to get the tangles out, but it does not prevent tangles, which of course would be the goal here. We are working on wearing barrettes, but they slip out really easily and we loose them. After buying a pack of 10 last Sunday we have 3 left.
Anyway, the first one is right after waking up from her nap. This is a pretty typical pic of what her hair looks like 80% of the time. The second is when I tried to put her mop into a ponytail. Cute... too bad it didn't last but about 10 minutes.
I have the same problem with MC's hair...lots of curls and they go every which way! Let me know if you find a solution. I even tried using product on her hair. You could try it with Mc. It is the Bumble and Bumble curl creme. My hair dresser gave me a sample...otherwise, I wouldn't be buying it for my one year old. A really really small amount goes a long way and it seems to help tame the curls and at least they're not as frizzy. Not sure what I'm going to do when it runs out. We have the same problem with bows and hair clips. Have you tried getting those tiny clear rubber bands from Walgreens and roping them around the part of the clip or bow that touches her hair? They seems to help it stay in a little better and it is at least a little harder for them to pull it out.
her ponytail is precious. she looks like a little girl now, not a baby.
Love the ponytail. Too cute!
I love her little ponytail!!! She has the greatest red hair!
I totally flaked out on Target today and went shoe shopping instead...additional 50% off shoe sale!?! How could I pass it up!
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