While we were at the beach for Rachel's wedding, I asked Mary (check out her photoblog and photography website from there as well) to take some pictures of McHaney. From the "preview" I received, I think that I'm going to use them as her two year pics. You can see the preview here.
What do you think? I think they are fabulous!!!!!!
How will I ever decide?!?!?!?!?!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Board Games?
Monday, April 28, 2008
The Big Weekend
My sweet cousin Mandi got married this weekend. Seester and I were both in the wedding and Big Mc was the flower girl. Below are some pics from the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Below that will be another blog a with pictures from the wedding.
The Wedding
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Calling all Nashvillian Mom's!
I just came from on of the greatest kid's sales I've been to yet! It is the Pears and Bears Sample Sale. It is on Hwy 70 in the State Farm Bldg. It goes on all day today and tomorrow. It is DEFINITELY worth the trip. They have lots of Spring/Summer 08 stuff, and the sale on it isn't so good, but everything else is $10-20 dollars!!!! And it is AMAZING classic stuff you could use for years! These are a few of my favorite items I purchased just this morning.
Bubble and Matching Doll Dress- $20.00 total
50's Polka Dot w/ Purse- $30.00 total
Floral Dress with Hot pink Sash- $20.00!!!!
You gotta go... seriously!!!!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
A Day at the Farm
A few weeks ago my cousin Mandi had asked to take her class out to Deb's farm to see the donkeys. Mandi teaches the Heart to Heart Class at FRA and this is the first year for the program. Since she only has one student it was an easy trip and Mc, Carrie, Ethan and I were able to tag along.
We got out there and cousin Sadie had come out to spend the day too. It was really fun! They all loved the little donkeys and Skeeter the horse. There is lots of stuff to ride and play with too. I've posted several of my favorite pics below. It was hard to choose just a few, so enjoy!!!
Definitely my favorite. Could they be ANY CUTER???
(Well, maybe in the hand holding pic, but that's it!)
We got out there and cousin Sadie had come out to spend the day too. It was really fun! They all loved the little donkeys and Skeeter the horse. There is lots of stuff to ride and play with too. I've posted several of my favorite pics below. It was hard to choose just a few, so enjoy!!!

(Well, maybe in the hand holding pic, but that's it!)

I'm sure you'll notice my Dad is in most of these. It seems the beach has become their "place". She loves on her Gaga nonstop and they are inseparable while we are there. If you even say the word "beach", she starts screaming "Gaga, Gaga"
One funny story to share about the trip. While we were down on the beach one day, a seagull buzzed by about a foot above her head. She saw it coming when it was about a two feet away and ducked. It was the fastest reflex I've ever seen in my life! The funniest part was that she stayed ducked for about 30 seconds after the bird was gone. She was looking at all of us like "what in the hell was that." (We, of course, were hysterical.) Then, the rest of the trip, she'd see a bird, point, and say "mama, mama, bird, head." She'd be tapping her head the whole time. She's still doing it now that we're home too. It's like she thinks they are all out to get her or something.
There are pics from the beach and swimming here. Her goggles were the new hot item this trip. She loved them. Look for some videos I'll post soon too!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
A Beach Wedding
Mc and I joined my family at the beach this last weekend to celebrate the marriage of one of seester's life long friends. This sweet couple has a truly amazing story and their love for each other is evident. It was a beautiful wedding and super fun.
Mc danced the night away. She did pretty well for her first wedding experience. One little boy, who looked about a year older than her, was all over her all night. it was so funny. He was hugging and kissing all over her. He even pulled her down and got on top of her at one point, but his daddy promptly pulled him off! Here are a few pics from the night.

Mc danced the night away. She did pretty well for her first wedding experience. One little boy, who looked about a year older than her, was all over her all night. it was so funny. He was hugging and kissing all over her. He even pulled her down and got on top of her at one point, but his daddy promptly pulled him off! Here are a few pics from the night.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Betsy Rides the Bull

Please watch this video of my friend Betsy. I met Betsy in Memphis and she was probably my best friend while we were there. She is also one of the funniest people I've ever met.
But, this video is too much even for her (And, I guarantee she's probably stone sober in it.)
You all may not think it's funny, but I laughed until I almost peed my pants!
Thanks Bets for a GREAT video; you're a sport!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Hanging out with "E"

They had a great time. It was so surreal to have two kids at our house. I mean, Mc has friends over all the time, but their parents are with them. I was kind of like, "so, this is what it would be like." Not too bad... of course Ethan is about 10 times calmer than McHaney and much more well behaved, so I have to take that into consideration. Two Mc's running around would be MUCH wilder!
They played at the house for a while. Then, we walked over to the park and they picked flowers, played on the slide, and drew on the sidewalks with chalk. On the way home we stopped by Nana and Papa's house (my grandparents live in the same neighborhood we do and it is on the way to the park.) to feed the fish. Papa was mowing the yard, so he got out the fish food and they threw about half a bag into the pond. :)
On the way home from the park they held hands... the whole way. It's a good walk and they were tired. But Ethan kept saying "hold my hand" to Mc and she'd grin and take it. He went up to every door on the way home just hoping it was ours. So funny! I think we carried them the last 100 yards or so.
All in all it was a good morning. Ethan left around 11:30 and I'm pretty sure he took as good of a nap as Mc did!
Pitching a Tent

The weekend before we left to go to Vegas we had a "family day". We decided to go buy a tent at Walmart, pitch it in our den, make a pallet, and watch movies all night. it was actually really fun and Mc loved it. The little tent only cost about $13.00 and was totally worth it.
I see many more "in house camp-outs" in our future!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Scare Gaga
McHaney loves to be scared. She always has. She loves for you to chase her. She loves for you to hide from her and then jump out and scare her. The child has no fear.
My dad has always loved to scare people, so they fit perfectly together. He puts a blanket over his head and chases her around the house. She begs for him to do it all the time. Lately however, she has been paying him back by trying to put the blanket "over her head" and scare him. I use the term "over her head" loosely because it usually just consists of her dragging the blanket behind her, but whatever. I was able to snap this one picture the other night though, and I thought it was precious!
Monday, April 7, 2008
My return from Vegas was not nearly as relaxing as the actual vacation was. I had scheduled myself on a red eye to leave at 11:55pm and return to Nashville at 8am. The reason for this was that I was going to give a couple's shower for my cousin Mandi that night and I had to prepare all the food.
When I booked the ticket, there was not a flight that could get me in before 6:00pm that night and obviously, that wouldn't work; thus, the red-eye.
So, I arrive at the airport at 10:30 to find out that my flight has been delayed until 3:15am!!! Not to mention the fact that I was going to miss my connection in Atlanta. Delta had "protected" me according to them and put me on a second flight out of Atl. But, guess what time it left? 7:59 pm. Obviously that wouldn't work. The shower was starting at 7:00.
The girl who was working the counter was a total witch and wouldn't help me at all. After 30 minutes of arguing with her, she issued my ticket and I headed to the gate. Upon gate arrival, I asked the girl at the counter there for the number for reservations. (At this point I was thinking I might even call Southwest or someone and buy another ticket to get home.) She asks what my issue is, I explain and she gets into action. Within about 5 minutes, she has rescheduled me on a flight out at 7:30am Saturday morning with a connection in Salt Lake City. I was to arrive home at 3:00pm. Telling her I loved her, I headed back out to the taxi line, waited for 30 minutes for a taxi and headed back to the hotel.
I had left my key with Daren b/c luckily, he wasn't coming home until the next day. It was midnight at this point and I couldn't reach him. He had a work function that night, and I knew he was out. I was able to get the people at the front desk to give me a key to the room and I made it to bed around 12:30am, just hoping all went well with my flight the next morning.
I got up at 5:30 and was headed to the airport at 5:40. From there, everything went smoothly and I arrived in Nashville at 3:00. Getting home at 4:00, I was able to whip up my 3 dishes. I loaded my car with crystal, silver and all my other goodies. Jumped in the shower and made it to my parents by 6:00 to setup for the shower.
The shower ended around 10:30 and as it was coming to an end, I thought "wow, this was the wildest 24 hours of my life." I hope I don't have to do that again for a long time!
When I booked the ticket, there was not a flight that could get me in before 6:00pm that night and obviously, that wouldn't work; thus, the red-eye.
So, I arrive at the airport at 10:30 to find out that my flight has been delayed until 3:15am!!! Not to mention the fact that I was going to miss my connection in Atlanta. Delta had "protected" me according to them and put me on a second flight out of Atl. But, guess what time it left? 7:59 pm. Obviously that wouldn't work. The shower was starting at 7:00.
The girl who was working the counter was a total witch and wouldn't help me at all. After 30 minutes of arguing with her, she issued my ticket and I headed to the gate. Upon gate arrival, I asked the girl at the counter there for the number for reservations. (At this point I was thinking I might even call Southwest or someone and buy another ticket to get home.) She asks what my issue is, I explain and she gets into action. Within about 5 minutes, she has rescheduled me on a flight out at 7:30am Saturday morning with a connection in Salt Lake City. I was to arrive home at 3:00pm. Telling her I loved her, I headed back out to the taxi line, waited for 30 minutes for a taxi and headed back to the hotel.
I had left my key with Daren b/c luckily, he wasn't coming home until the next day. It was midnight at this point and I couldn't reach him. He had a work function that night, and I knew he was out. I was able to get the people at the front desk to give me a key to the room and I made it to bed around 12:30am, just hoping all went well with my flight the next morning.
I got up at 5:30 and was headed to the airport at 5:40. From there, everything went smoothly and I arrived in Nashville at 3:00. Getting home at 4:00, I was able to whip up my 3 dishes. I loaded my car with crystal, silver and all my other goodies. Jumped in the shower and made it to my parents by 6:00 to setup for the shower.
The shower ended around 10:30 and as it was coming to an end, I thought "wow, this was the wildest 24 hours of my life." I hope I don't have to do that again for a long time!
Daren and I just returned from a few days in Vegas. This was the third time we had left Mc and by far, the best. I just needed to relax and that's exactly what I got to do.
I laid by the pool for 3 days and actually got to READ a book (Not worrying the whole time about "someone else" falling in was fantastic!) I got to spend a couple of hours at the spa which was the most amazing spa I've ever been to in my life. Daren had to do some work stuff while we were there (it was a business trip for him) so I also got to shop a little and go see Cirque O.
We ate the best sushi I've ever had in my life and were able to just have some much needed time together.
Anyway, it was the best. We had so much fun I totally forgot to take pictures. These are just a few I snapped of the gardens (we stayed at the Bellagio, which is amazing.) when I was returning from shopping. And, the last day we got the towel boy to snap one pic of us by the pool!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
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