They had a great time. It was so surreal to have two kids at our house. I mean, Mc has friends over all the time, but their parents are with them. I was kind of like, "so, this is what it would be like." Not too bad... of course Ethan is about 10 times calmer than McHaney and much more well behaved, so I have to take that into consideration. Two Mc's running around would be MUCH wilder!
They played at the house for a while. Then, we walked over to the park and they picked flowers, played on the slide, and drew on the sidewalks with chalk. On the way home we stopped by Nana and Papa's house (my grandparents live in the same neighborhood we do and it is on the way to the park.) to feed the fish. Papa was mowing the yard, so he got out the fish food and they threw about half a bag into the pond. :)
On the way home from the park they held hands... the whole way. It's a good walk and they were tired. But Ethan kept saying "hold my hand" to Mc and she'd grin and take it. He went up to every door on the way home just hoping it was ours. So funny! I think we carried them the last 100 yards or so.
All in all it was a good morning. Ethan left around 11:30 and I'm pretty sure he took as good of a nap as Mc did!
That is SOO Cute! That picture of Ethan & McHaney holding hands was hilarious! Where did you get that hat?!? They look like they are out on a date, holding hands like that. I've never seen him hold hands with another kid like that. Thanks for the break & the great laugh.
Somehow my last comment didn't get posted. That is the SWEETEST picture of them walking together! It made me smile.
Hey Rach. I got the video off youtube, so borrow away! They did it on Idol Gives Back and then did a reprise on the results show last week. I actually didn't see either performance because I fast forwarded to the end of the results show to see who was voted off, and I didn't watch Idol Gives Back. I read about it on a friend's blog and had to find it. The tent is awesome! Jordan and my nephew are doing that tonight at my brother-in-law's house. So fun!
Can you set up an arranged marriage in about 20 years between the two of them? They are adorable. I love the one on the tunnels too!
How fun. Cute pics. I can't believe what happened to them!! I know she was glad to have your help!!
I keep coming back again to see that picture of them holding hands. How adorable.
OMG! Please tell Carrie we are thinking of her! Kelly
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