A few weeks ago my cousin Mandi had asked to take her class out to Deb's farm to see the donkeys. Mandi teaches the
Heart to Heart Class at FRA and this is the first year for the program. Since she only has one student it was an easy trip and Mc, Carrie, Ethan and I were able to tag along.
We got out there and cousin Sadie had come out to spend the day too. It was really fun! They all loved the little donkeys and Skeeter the horse. There is lots of stuff to ride and play with too. I've posted several of my favorite pics below. It was hard to choose just a few, so enjoy!!!

One of the Best!
Sadie wore this hat most of the day. It doesn't get any cuter!

Mc and Ethan riding in Feather's cart

Definitely my favorite. Could they be ANY CUTER???
(Well, maybe in the hand holding pic, but that's it!)

Mc and Sadie with their Grammy

Rob with Feather
He makes for a pretty tough cowboy!

The cowgirls bellied up to the "bar" for a cool off

I just thought this was a cute one. Look at Mc's little feet!
that was so much fun. i love the one of them looking at the donkeys!
Oh my goodness--those pictures are so precious, and I love all of your cowboy lingo!
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