A few days ago, I saw on our Franklin Water bill that they would be showing the "World Premiere" of the newest Veggietales movie at Pinkerton Park.
So, last night was the big night and I thought Mc would really enjoy it. We decided to pack a picnic and head down ther around 7. (Mc's bedtime is about 8:30, but we decided since last night was a special occasion, we'd let her stay up a little late.)
Anyway, we go down there, setup our blanket and stuff and unpack our picnic. It was yummy and Mc loved eating outside.
After it was over, I decided to "guard" our stuff while they went to play on the playground. About 5 minutes later I look over and here come Bob and Larry, walking down the path for photo ops. (Just as an FYI, I tried really hard to get them to come to her Bday party, but they don't rent out their costumes... so this was perfect!) She got to hug them and have her picture taken with them. (Of course, my camera battery went dead right as I was about to snap a pic of her with them, but they had their own camera and will hopefully be emailing me the picture they took of her with them.) Her little hands and legs were going 90 miles an hour. It was precious.
Then (I had entered her name in a drawing) as she is just running in circles around Daren, b/c she was so excited about meeting Bob and Larry, they called her name and she won 2 new DVD's. And, believe it or not, she doesn't have either of them. If possible, there was even more excitement. I thought it was possible she might explode!
Once darkness started to settle in, we ate M and M's and watched the movie. (For those of you that know anything about veggietales, Mike Narwocki was there to introduce the film, which for us parent's was kindof cool.) Around 9, she decided she was tired and it was time to go. So, we loaded up a little before the movie was over and headed home.
I have to say it was one of my favorite nights ever. Just to see her excitement, made it extra special. Plus, Daren and I have this curse where we make grandios plans and then they all backfire. So, to have a night where everything turns out perfectly was more than we ever expected!!!!
Happy Early Birthday, McHaney!
Glad you guys had such a great time! Happy Birthday to McHaney!
SOOOO fun! I can just imagine her being SO excited!!
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