I'll be going by Chef Raquel this week instead of plain old Rachel. I feel this is okay since I'll be cooking for Thanksgiving every night this week!!!!
It started Monday. I had to make dressing and needed my Nan's help. You know how your Grandmother's dressing is just the best? Well, seeing as how cooking seemed to skip a generation in my family, I have now been put in charge of learning the secrets to carrying on the tradition. It is hard though... I like to work off a recipe, not strictly mind you, but I like to have SOMETHING to go off of. There is no recipe for this though. It is a feel and taste thing, and I find it much more difficult than it should be. All that to say, I made it ahead of time to get the worrying out of the way. This was my 3rd time to make it and I cooked a small batch for dinner Monday night to see how it tasted. Pretty good if I don't say so myself. The rest is frozen waiting to be thawed and cooked.
Today, I have to make two loaded potato casseroles to take to the homeless at Room in the Inn. I made up the stuffing for the casserole last night. I also boiled and marinated shrimp for an appetizer tonight... speaking of tonight, did I mention I have company coming for dinner. Chicken Marsala with gnocchi and wilted spinach salad is on the menu.
Tomorrow, (ah, Thanksgiving), I have to make a squash casserole, and turnip greens. I started the turnip greens last night because it takes them about 2 days in a crockpot. Now my house smells like a big fart. Lovely. I've moved them to the garage to continue cooking, so hopefully my house will air out before company arrives.
For Friday, we'll be having a second, actually third I'm just not cooking for one of them, Thanksgiving with Daren's family. This is where the dressing comes in. I've got to thaw that and cook it, who knows for how long... there is no recipe. And, I'll be doing some gravy and chicken and dumplings.
Wow, that is alot. I'm starting to panic a little as I write, so I think I should probably end this right now before I decide to fake a stomach virus and just stay home all week!!!! :)