Isn't it amazing how much we love our children? How protective we naturally feel towards them... almost to the point of overkill?
When Mc goes away to spend the night and visit with her grandparents, these feelings always become even more strong in me, and I can't wait for her to get home. (She spent the night with Gimmy and Pawpaw this weekend, hence the random blog.)
Just looking at the sweet innocence that is written all over her face can often bring me to tears. The way she gets so excited about things that I would never even notice; I love it. She makes me want to be a better person. She makes me want to be the person she thinks I am. I love to go in and see her sleeping every night; talk about sweet innocence! Sometimes I feel like the mother in "I Love You Forever".
I'm so glad God has given me such a precious gift; he has entrusted one of His children to my care. I don't deserve it, nor did I or could I ever earn it. But, because He loves me so much, he gave me a gift. A gift like no other. A gift that I cherish more than all of the gold and jewels in the world. A gift that reminds me everyday of how much He loves me.
Sorry the thoughts in this are so random, they've been in my head this morning and I wanted to get them down, but I'm not the best writer in the world. Thanks for taking the time to read this though!
That was so sweet and so true. It IS amazing!
I know EXACTLY how you feel! I am keeping Luke home from preschool for one more year just because I love seeing his face all day. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Doesn't it amaze you how much our Father loves us!
I agree Rachel. What melts my heart the most is Sophie's unconditional love. She is so forgiving!! After getting on to her for something, she wants me to hold her and hug her and then I feel SO bad!! They are too precious for words!
I don't think this post is random at all! I feel the same way as you...you just fall more in love with them everyday!
i love this post! I totally agree!! Sometimes i feel like my heart might burst!!
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