Have any of you tried to get a passport for your little ones yet? We're in the process of getting Mc's, because you have to have one now, no matter how old you are, to travel anywhere outside of the states. I know it is a good rule, but it is a pain in the butt. You have to take them to get their pic made. They have to look directly at the camera, etc, etc, and it took about 10 minutes to get an acceptable picture. Then you have to fill out all the forms and BOTH parents have to go to the post office together to sign that they both allow said child to have a passport. On top of all this, the government is so far behind in processing right now that we have to pay $100.00 extra dollars to expedite the processing so we can have it by DECEMBER! So ridiculous.
Oh well, thanks for listening to my little rant. On another note, I've posted a new video. I couldn't figure out how to turn it, so you'll have to watch it sideways, but it's worth the watch!
question is...why do you need a passport for her?
AHH...Ive got to get my name changed on mine--I better hop to it--it usually only takes 6 weeks.
Lauren, I still haven't changed the name on mine....the last several trips I have taken I carried my marriage certificate. The last one I went on I just booked the trip in my maiden name. Just an FYI.
Oh my gosh--I just saw that video of MC w/ mom and dad--hilarious. I love that you titled it, "grandparents will do anything"
We're going on vacation after Xmas to an unnamed tropical local!
Seester- you better get that name changed ASAP. ask at the post office, but you'll probably have to expedite. The wait time is 14-16 weeks!!!
I've been meaning to send you this. You might enjoy this blog about shopping in Nashville.
hey rachel! hope you're doing great! for some reason i never got the email about the brunch for lauren next week. i'm not sure if i have to work that weekend yet, but if not, i'd like to still come. i'll know sometime next week though if i can get off.
thanks for doing this!!
That is insane!!! The wait time is incredible!!
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