My sister came in this weekend from Cali and it was sooo good to see her. It was such a sweet time with her. Now that Mc is older, they were able to play and really spend QT together. Mc was even saying Lala by the end of the weekend. (I'm pretty sure a little yellow Teletubbie contributed to the ease in Lauren's name) Anyway, I think I'll blog this in two parts, at least. there are alot of pics I want to post. So, here goes!
They came in town Wednesday night and spent Thursday and Friday with Andrew's family. Although, Mc and I managed to see Lauren both days. Then, Saturday morning, I had a brunch at our house and several of Lauren's friends drove in for it. Several from Birmingham, one from Macon, and one from Louisville. It was great for them to all get to see each other. The last time Lauren was able to spend time with most of them was a year ago.
After the brunch Andrew, mom and dad came over and we all just layed around and watched football all day. We made nachos and hung out until Mc went to bed. Then, Lauren and I went and met several of her friends out. It wasn't a late night, but it was fun. We went to a dueling piano bar downtown. Quite a fun place if you like to sing at the top of your lungs and not have anyone hear you!!! (Just my style!) More to come tomorrow...
Here are a few pics from Saturday:
thank you for the absolutely wonderful Brunch - it was so much fun to see everyone, and the food was delicious! i need the recipes.
thank you also for Annabelle's precious Bubble. I will post a picture of her wearing it!
Tha nk you seester. I'm so glad I got to see a lot of you and Mc too!
I've been both dreading and looking forward to this post. It makes me so sad to see everyone together without me but I'm so glad everyone got to hang out! Its great to see so many wonderful people together in one place. I'm having falshbacks from Lauren's bach party . . . but thats another blog.
Yes, thank you again for everything you did. Love meeting Mc!! So cute. I cant wait to see pics of Annabelle wearing the bubble!
I had a little deja vue looking at your blog-Libby has the lady bug outfit and I have the dress your wearing in the blog below. That was really sweey to do that for your sister-looks like they had fun.
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