Ethan tagged me to tell 8 things about myself, so here goes:
1. I have a small Veggie Tales obsession. Well maybe it isn't small... I have movies, books, toys, clothes and even food that depicts the characters. All things Veggie is what I'm about.
2. I love the water. I could live in the water. I'm also a certified survival swimmer.
3. I have about 12 nicknames... seriously. Sugar Bear, Bits, Mc, Mc Attack, Big Mc, Mc n cheese, Stink, Boo, Angel, Princess, Princess Peanut, Sweet, etc, etc. I'm lucky I even know my name!!!
4. I really like farm animals. Cows, ducks and cats in particular. (My Grammy lives on a farm and when I pretend to call her on my cell phone I make all of my animal noises.)
5. I'm in the process of giving up my ba (pacifier). I'm two days clean. No meetings yet.
6. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes is my favorite song in the whole world. But, I like to sing it "Head, Me's, and Nose".
7. My favorite time of day is when my Daddy, who I have nicknames Deda, comes home.
8. I am a daredevil. I love to be thrown around, jump off things, ride things, and risk my life every chance I get. So unlike Mommy... she is scared to death most of the time].
So, I guess that's it. Eight things about me. I'm supposed to tag 8 more people. So, Sadie Jane, Annabelle, Mary Carter, Sydney, and all 4 Shirley's, you're it. (I realize this is 9, but I'm making my own rules... as usual.)
Hope you enjoyed!