Work is really busy (we are trying to finish up a neighborhood and get the lots closed, plus I picked up a new listing on a Shoney's in Winchester this week so I'm working on advertising stuff for that), and I can only get in there so many hours because taking Mc with me is comical.
Speaking of, she has been sooooo needy since we returned from Mexico, I guess b/c of all the sickness and then the paci exile, that I can't leave the room that she doesn't have an all out nervous break down. People come over she falls all the floor and screams. i leave the room she screams. I take her somewhere she screams. Is this normal? Do your kids do this? Is it a phase? How long is it going to last???
Plus, I've got a TON of monogramming to catch up on... which, I love doing, but just finding the time has proven impossible this week.
Also, we bought a lot in a neighborhood this past weekend to build a house. I've been running, checks, plans, pre-approval letters, etc to them all week. You know how it is with a kid... you can't just run in and out. Anyway, there is a Design Review Committee for the neighborhood and they have to approve your house. We have a custom plan we had drawn up for another neighborhood and we are in love with it. We agreed we wouldn't build in the neighborhood of they wouldn't let us build the house. Well, long sotry short... they met today, loved the house, but it is 30 ft to wide. UUGGHHH!!!! All that work and back to square one.
Okay, I'm done venting now. I just needed to let it out! Thanks for listening!!!!
YEA!!! I am so glad you got that lot!! ARGH!! on it being to wide. I don't have any MC suggestions....maybe it is just a phase??? Anyway, love ya I know you will make it!
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