I think yesterday might have been the best day of
This was McHaney's first boating trip. She was less than excited about her life jacket, but after fitting her into her floaty swimsuit instead, (I know, I know, it isn't as safe, but with someone holding her pretty much non-stop, I felt it was the best solution.), she was having a ball! Her favorite thing? The water, of course! It was freezing, and I mean freezing. I did not get in with her, but her daddy did and he even thought it was cold. She didn't even notice though. She just laughed, splashed, and giggled. I think she would have stayed in forever if we'd have let her. After a few hours on the boat she crashed and took about an hour and a half nap. I couldn't believe she slept on the boat. I never thought that would happen!
Then we went back to "Grammy and Pyran's" house, which is really a farm. It was basically like Disney World to her. After a quick supper she got to take a bath, water again, so she was thrilled. Then onto her swing. She swung for a while and then tried out her new wagon. Grammy bought her one of those Radio Flyer wagons that has the seat in it. She loved it! Giggled and laughed the whole time while Grammy acted like a horse saying "neigh" and "woah". After that a ride in the e-z-go. (Their golf cart they use to get around on the farm.) She held on to a bar, eyes as big as saucers, and pointed at all of the animals. Quacking and yelling ooh-aah the whole way. (For those of you who don't know, Daren's mom raises miniature donkeys.) She saw donkeys, cats, the dog and a horse. We, of course, made all the animal sounds and she even petted the horse. Oh, it was such a cute day of new discoveries and adventures.
She was such a trooper and ended up spending the night at Grammy's. This was a first for her, but she went right to sleep. I guess she was a pooped puppy. I can't imagine why!!!!
What a great day!!! So glad she loved the water and boat. That will make it so nice for y'all this summer.
That is so sweet. She seems like the happiest baby! Will was 10 months when we took him to the lake for the first time and he screamed his head off the entire time he had his life jacket on. He was so fat that it pushed into his face and he looked like a little sumo wrestler. Will loves the water too. We broke out the baby pool today and he had a ball. I can't wait to go to the pool this summer. I still need to email you. I'm so bad about that. My email is adcockcd@yahoo.com if you get around to it before I do.
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