This first light into my childhood comes because Mc is quickly getting attached to a black teddy bear that sleeps in her crib. I also had a black teddy bear I was quite attached too (see side pic). His name, quite creatively, was black bear. I took him everywhere. The grocery store (got left in the produce dept. more than once.) Sleepovers (my cruel friends would hide him in the freezer), college (yeah, I know that's weird). He was my life line to security. But, that's pretty normal right?
Lauren also had a doll she loved, Big Baby. Big Baby was ugly. Fully equipped with pierced ears and an overbite, she had hair that stuck straight up (apparently from a sea breeze facial toner incident... I claim no responsibility.) She has a lazy eye, possibly inherited from her pseudo-cousin Mandi. Her outfit, the only one I ever remember her having, was a night gown that looked like it came from th
Black Bear and JC were so mistreated! I am picturing my poor elephant being tortured in Mush and Lyrene's dorm room.
Ok, I just laughed out loud for about 2 minutes literally. Great imagery of Lizzle and Big Baby.
I also wonder why you didn't call her Navy bear rather than black bear.
I'm so glad to hear that Mc's heart is nothing more than it is but we will definitly keep her in our prayers!
Melissa's blog is in the works - I can't wait to be able to see more pics of our niece! I'll definitely link to her when its up! Sydney has been through lots of tests, etc. as a preemie so she definitely knows how that feels to be visiting the doctor and not knowing what the results will be!!
Heather- remember when we came back to our dorm room and JC was hanging by a noose around the blind pull?
Oh and Mary, black bear was black at one point in his life... he's just faded over the years w/ umpteen million booger washes.
Black Bear used to take up room in the twin bed above Maggie! How did we all fit?!?
Last night Andrew wrote a very mean blog in agreement with your mean blog about big baby. Too bad he doesn't know how to publish things on here. I was not about to help him desicrate big baby's name. She is not ugly, and we have been through some hard times together. Did you lay her on the pavement to take a picture of her?! Unbelievable!!!
Such trauma!
I'm noticing how amazing it is that a cute adorable little child's toy can look completely creepy after 20+ years of wear & tear.
Rach, That is exactly the mental picture I have of poor JC! I think we had a few ransome calls too!
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