I've never, never been a fan of reality TV. I watched one season of American Idol when we lived in Memphis and that is only because I had no friends and Daren worked all the time. (I will also admit to watching Newlyweds during a short obsession with Jessica Simpson, which I am way over. I think she's quite the skank these days; John Mayer or not.)
Anyway, Barbara came down to spend a few days and she is very into Idol. So we watched tonight and I realized there is an uncanny resemblance between my brother in law, Andrew, and Blake Lewis, one of the semi-finalist. I called Lauren and she said people tell him that all the time. What do you think? Do you see a resemblance?
I agree with you on the Jessica Simpson thing. I loved Newleyweds, but what's up with her orange tan and boobs. Did you see her in the high waisted pants and mock short sleeved turtleneck? I felt embarrased for her. I know she is probably so skinny in "common people" terms, but she looks like she's put on a few. I've never watched American Idol. I just couldn't get into it. I've never been into reality shows either. I did watch the Bachelor for the first 2 or 3 times, but then it got old. I also used to love Real World, but I guess I grew out of that. I do have one reality show that I'm almost embarrased to admit that I'm addicted to but I'll spill the beans. I've found The Desperate Housewives of Orange County to be pretty amusing. They were all pretty pathetic but I just kept right on watching. I loved the marathon Saturdays!
definitely! i thought he looked like andrew the first time i saw him on idol. but i bet andrew can beat box WAY better than blake.
ok, so last night we watched it. At first I thought, well kinda, but the more we watched, the more freaked out we became. Andrew got excited and beat boxed the rest of the night. Also, we called and voted for blake 2 times because he looks like andrew.
We had this exact discussion last night, as well. Lauren had mentioned to me that Andrew had a look-alike on Idol but we thought she was referring to Chris . . . then last night, the profile shots were undeniable. Incredibly similar.
i actually think he looks more like Ben than Andrew.
so glad someone else finally says it before me! Shae and I have been discussing this for the last 8 weeks! Seriously, Andrew, do you and Ben actually have a triplet?
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