Holy Crap. What about the Lost finale? I mean, really. A glimpse of the future... obviously, some of them will get away.
Claire gets off the island b/c Desmond is rarely wrong. Will Kate and Jack stay? Will the Oceanic crew join forces with the Others to defend the island. So many questions, and no answers till next season.
Plus, what about Charlie. Was anyone taken aback by that? I guess we all knew it would happen sometime. Still, I love Charlie and hate to see him go. I see visions of Charlie in future episodes.
A few other comments about the finale:
John Locke just won't die... I wish he would
Do you think Kate is preggers and who is the "he" she mentioned in the future flashback? Remember "before HE notices I'm gone."
Who is in the casket?
Is Sawyer ruined. Has he reached the point of no return?
How the heck was Penny on the incoming transmission when Charlie shut off the jammer?
Let me know your thoughts and ideas!
my goodness! I can't believe charlie died! He was my favorite character!! I hate the show now--it is so depressing. I also hate when they hurt hurley's feelings. I thought the episode was depressing and confusing, but Ill probably watch it next year. What about Ben's duaghter being Rouseau's daughter?!! I liked that a lot. I think that the people coming will release them from the island but it will in some way curse them--maybe the island gives them eternal life like in Tuck Everlasting, and the island is the only place to live out an evlasting life happily.
the rumors about my self-imposed blogging rules are, fortunately for you and your loved ones, just rumors. i welcome any and all comments, regardless of link-association.
check out this site for some more head-spinning:
we tivoed it and watched it last night!! i don't really trust that charlie REALLY died. I mean, didn't he die before? Didn't Locke die a few weeks ago? I bet (HOPE) we'll see him again. What a crazy night!
ALSO! Did you notice that Jack's wife was a different actress than the original ex-wife we met? I don't know if they couldn't get the same actress, or maybe he married again?
I thought it was the same girl... wasn't the girl from ED the x-wife before?
OK - I am guilty - I read everyone's blogs! Yours are so interesting too, by the way! :) Anyway, we are Lost fans too! I think that Ben was in the casket!?!?! Your daughter is a doll! We have an 8 1/2 month old, Lauryn.
Brooke Semanchik
Brooke- It's good to hear from you. I, too, think Ben is dead. :) If you decide to join the blogging world, let me know!!!
It's Saturday and I still can't quit thinking about it. I'm sad for Charlie. I really do think he's dead, but will make guest appearances later. I couldn't believe the ending. I didn't see it going that way. I feel so bad for Jack. It was just so depressing to see him like that. I didn't even realize it was the future until Kate drove up. Oh, I want to watch it again!!! I can't believe we have to wait until Feb. I think it might be
Ben in the casket too, or Locke. I just don't know. Carrie, that is Julie Bowen who plays Jack's wife. She is the same girl. She was pregnant in real life and that is why she's pregnant on the show. I think she had her baby a few months ago so it must have been filmed a while ago.
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