In all the commotion of yesterday, I forgot to wish Mc a happy 9 month! Doesn't seem she's been here that long!!! We love you sweet girl!!!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Happy 9 Month McHaney
In all the commotion of yesterday, I forgot to wish Mc a happy 9 month! Doesn't seem she's been here that long!!! We love you sweet girl!!!
Day at the Park
Friday, March 30, 2007
Prayer Request
Hey Everybody. We have a quick prayer request. McHaney had her 9 month checkup today and the doctor heard a heart murmur for the 2nd time. We are going to see a pediatric cardiologist Monday morning at 9am. It may be nothing, but it could be serious. So, any prayers you could throw our way would be appreciated. We'll keep you posted. They said we'd know Monday, so you'll know then too!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Boys are From Mars Too...
It is crazy the natural difference between the sexes. McHaney has a baby doll that our friends Brett and Leslie gave her. About a month ago (she was 8 months) she noticed the doll and now it is one of her favorite toys. She loves on it and pats it on the back all the time. It is almost like she is copying what I do to her.
Anyway, yesterday, Carrie and Ethan came over and he was pretty obsessed with McHaney's train. He pushed it around all over the house. It just blows my mind that at that early of an age they are drawn to boy/ girl specific toys. I've always thought those were learned behaviors, but at this early of a stage? I must admit my opinion has changed!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Ode to Maggie

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Latest Project
Monday, March 26, 2007
Preview of the Zoo
McHaney had her first outing with Gimme and Pawpaw on Saturday. They took her to the zoo. It was actually her first planned "big girl" outing without us. I cried when she left; I'm such a sap. But, she had a good time and was all smiles when she got back. I can't wait to take her again and see her reactions to all the animals. They said the Meerkat was her favorite!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Working in the Yard
Anyway, that time of year is back and, of course, I have my own home now. I can tell you, weeding is still not my favorite. Not to mention digging, planting, mulching, etc. But, it has to be done.
I was lucky enough to marry a man who is a hard worker and likes to be outside. He doesn't mind the yard work and for that, I am grateful. We planted a few bushes and lots of flowers around the front and back this weekend. Our front looked pitiful, as we haven't done anything out there since we moved in almost 3 years ago! The back just needed a little sprucing up. It looks so much better and I got away with only having to plant 2 flats of flowers while he did all the weeding, mulching, and other planting. (You know, I had to take care of the baby and all!) :)
So, a beautiful weekend was not wasted. We got a lot done. Plus, to top things off, there's nothing better than a long day in the sun, a hot shower, a good meal, a glass of wine, and early to bed. Oooh, I slept so good last night!!! I'm looking forward to it again tonight!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Singing with Daddy
McHaney loves her Vegetales sing along video that Uncle D and Aunt Nina gave her for Christmas. This morning Mc and Daddy watched together. (click here to see.)
I love to see him spend time with her. It is so sweet to see a daddy with his little girl.
Friday, March 23, 2007
So Maybe I Need a Little Practice!
Today our playgroup met. I have been practicing my sewing skills and so I decided to make all of the kids in the group a little shorts set with matching top. (See bottom) So, I took them today and gave them out. Ethan put his right on and about an hour later his mommy, Carrie, said "Rachel, please look at Ethan." Well, poor thing, the crotch had split right out of his pants! Embarrassing for me, not so embarrassing for him. But it was pretty funny! I guess I should have reinforced those seams. Oh well, practice makes perfect! I'll just have to keep working on it!

Thursday, March 22, 2007
Playing the Spoons
Kids are so funny! McHaney has every toy known to man. Her favorites? Two spoons and a disposable tin pie pan. Of course, she likes her other toys and is actually pretty good at entertaining herself. Anything musical is key (no pun
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
What a Social Life!
Fresh Meat

When we lived in Memphis, I didn't really like it; I would have much rather been in Nashville. However, there were things there, like our 1950's house, that I loved and now miss! One of those things was Charlie's Meat Market. (Oh Charlie's I miss you so!) Charlie's was a butcher shop down the street from our house. You could get bacon wrapped fillets there for about $4.00!! We would eat steaks from there at least once a week and they were sooo good!
Daren had to go to Memphis for business Monday and came home last night with 8 of them! Yummy! I can't wait for tonight, My mouth is already watering thinking about it!!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Okay Friends, i.e. the young Samford crew... I don't care if Mary has given you the cake recipe or not... start blogging! I check your blogs a few times a day and have been disappointed all week. (Yes, I need to get a life.) I look forward to your funny life adventures and get a kick out of them on a daily basis. My life has been void of joy this week because of you. (Well, with the exception of my giggling little baby, but that's a given!)
I hope you all feel very guilty!!! :)
Oh, and this is just for laughs...
I hope you all feel very guilty!!! :)
Oh, and this is just for laughs...
A Busy Weekend
Oh, we've had a good weekend. Busy, but good. Friday morning McHaney and I went to garage sales with MiMi. I got 8 yards of vintage fabric for 2 dollars!!!

Then we had breakfast at the Puffy Muffin... mmmm! Aunt Jac came over for lunch and McHaney chowed down on her Louis!(not so good.)
Then I finished up my first appliqué project. It turned out okay, but I still need some practice.
Saturday was a good St. Patrick's Day! We had a family day of errands. Including, breakfast together at Noshville. McHaney had her first restaurant ordered meal; Oatmeal!!! She ate every drop, little piglet.
She also got a big girl car seat. She likes it so much better. I know she's a little young, but she weighs 20 lbs, so I think she'll be okay. A final happy to the day, Corned Beef and Cabbage with Irish mashed potatoes! A Phillips' family favorite for St. Patty's!
Today we've just laid around and watched movies. Well, Daren and I have. McHaney has pretty much just played and hit us in the face with toys.
So, anyway, I know this is a little boring, but I had to update the seester. More to follow I'm sure!
Then we had breakfast at the Puffy Muffin... mmmm! Aunt Jac came over for lunch and McHaney chowed down on her Louis!(not so good.)
Saturday was a good St. Patrick's Day! We had a family day of errands. Including, breakfast together at Noshville. McHaney had her first restaurant ordered meal; Oatmeal!!! She ate every drop, little piglet.
She also got a big girl car seat. She likes it so much better. I know she's a little young, but she weighs 20 lbs, so I think she'll be okay. A final happy to the day, Corned Beef and Cabbage with Irish mashed potatoes! A Phillips' family favorite for St. Patty's!
Today we've just laid around and watched movies. Well, Daren and I have. McHaney has pretty much just played and hit us in the face with toys.
So, anyway, I know this is a little boring, but I had to update the seester. More to follow I'm sure!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
My Latest Project
Anywho, the next thing I'm going to attempt is making appliqué patches to go on shirts and stuff. They told me how-to at the fabric store, but any pointers you might have would be greatly appreciated!!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
We've Got the Sniffles... and More!
Okay, I've worked in a church nursery... they are meticulous about cleaning everything. So, why is it that every time I put McHaney in the nursery she gets sick. No joke; She's been in there about 7 times and has gotten sick 5 of those times. Yesterday she pooped 5 times, threw up twice, had a low grade fever, and started developing a cold. Today, she's got a runny nose and horrible chest congestion. She didn't sleep at all last night, thus Daren and I didn't sleep a (poor guy had to be at work at 6 this morning... at least I'm still in my PJs.) I go back and forth on the nursery thing, usually I just take her with me b/c she sleeps through the service. But, she's getting to old for that and needs to learn how to socialize. Any suggestions, you guys have learned, that I'm just missing out on??
Maybe I should let her play with the Germ-X more often!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
They Are So Sweet When They Sleep!
Who could turn down a snuggle with this little face. I feel so guilty in the afternoons when I am tempted, and give in, to crawl into bed and nap with McHaney. About 3 times a week I do this. There are always other things that need to be done, but I can't resist the temptation. Those pouty little lips and rosy little cheeks call to me. They say "mommy I won't be little for long; snuggle with me while I'll still let you!" And so I do. The house might not get vacuummed and there might be dirty dishes in the sink, but that stuff will wait. My little princess will be grown and gone before I know it and I can fold the laundry then!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sewing Suggestions
Does anyone know of any good sewing sites/blogs for children's clothing? I'm trying to get back into sewing and I'm looking for tips, advice, tricks, free patterns, etc. Let me know!!!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Uncle D and Aunt Rachel
Saturday, March 10, 2007
It's a Small World!
Today we went to Baby's R Us to get a new car seat. While we're standing there a girl, also looking at car seats with her family, says "Are you Rachel?", I reply and she says, "Okay, it's a little funny but I've been kind of stalking you this week." Hmmm. But, with a little more explanation, I find out she's Mary's sister in law, and Mary had sent her to my blog to check it out. (Apparently, Mary is prompting them to start a blog as well!) I couldn't believe it, it's so crazy... Mary and Lauren are all the way out in Cali, and Melissa and I meet here in the car seat aisle. We actually even went to elementary school together. Such a small small world!
Friday, March 9, 2007
Sadie Jane is Here!!!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
A Beautiful Day
Yesterday was so pretty! McHaney and I met Daren at Centennial Park for a picnic.

Also, I've been meaning to share a website with all you mom's. If you go to you can enter your address and see if there are any registered sex offenders living around you. Kindof creepy I know, but it's worth looking.
Also, I've been meaning to share a website with all you mom's. If you go to you can enter your address and see if there are any registered sex offenders living around you. Kindof creepy I know, but it's worth looking.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
What's up with The Teletubbies?
The Teletubbies comes on PBS every morning at 8:30. I have refused to let McHaney watch for the first 8 months of her life. This is mainly because it is quite possibly the worst, most annoying show on television; right behind Bob the Builder. We're big on Sesame Street and Sesame Street only in our house. (Don't be offended if your kids watch these shows, you're a better mother than I am, I just can't deal with it.) Anyway, I've have recently been desperate to entertain Mc between that time, right before her morning nap. The girls in my playgroup had told me how obsessed with Teletubbies their children were and so I finally gave in. Yes, if they jumped off a bridge I would follow. So, McHaney is now obsessed. This picture illustrates how obsessed. So what's the deal? You can't understand what they say, there's that weird baby in the sun that creeps me out, and they make a lot of farting noises. I just don't get it. If any of you other moms can shed light on the subject for me please do. If not, I guess we'll just go on watching the primary colored toot machines forever!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
I Married Billy Idol
My friend Carrie posted this website on her blog called
It is a website where you can download a picture of yourself and it will tell you which celebrities you look the most like. So, I had to try it. I downloaded a picture of myself and the usual suspects popped up. Helen Hunt, Laura Linny, Ellen, (SJP was mysteriously absent) and one surprise... My closest match was Q'Orianka Kilcher. I mean, I know I have a lot of Cherokee in me, but I'm about as waspy as they come, so I don't know how that happened. It even scanned McHaney's face and matched her to Rouge from Xmen, which I can kind of see.

Then I did Daren, oh Daren. I laughed until I cried last night. Below are his matches (a bunch of cheeseballs and the ex-president of Indonesia). Please, if you decide to do this, let me know your matches!

It is a website where you can download a picture of yourself and it will tell you which celebrities you look the most like. So, I had to try it. I downloaded a picture of myself and the usual suspects popped up. Helen Hunt, Laura Linny, Ellen, (SJP was mysteriously absent) and one surprise... My closest match was Q'Orianka Kilcher. I mean, I know I have a lot of Cherokee in me, but I'm about as waspy as they come, so I don't know how that happened. It even scanned McHaney's face and matched her to Rouge from Xmen, which I can kind of see.

Then I did Daren, oh Daren. I laughed until I cried last night. Below are his matches (a bunch of cheeseballs and the ex-president of Indonesia). Please, if you decide to do this, let me know your matches!

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