It is crazy the natural difference between the sexes. McHaney has a baby doll that our friends Brett and Leslie gave her. About a month ago (she was 8 months) she noticed the doll and now it is one of her favorite toys. She loves on it and pats it on the back all the time. It is almost like she is copying what I do to her.
Anyway, yesterday, Carrie and Ethan came over and he was pretty obsessed with McHaney's train. He pushed it around all over the house. It just blows my mind that at that early of an age they are drawn to boy/ girl specific toys. I've always thought those were learned behaviors, but at this early of a stage? I must admit my opinion has changed!
Rach, It's crazy isn't it! Hagen has loved cars, trains, and balls from the get go! It's in them from the start. McHaney is so precious. I love seeing your blog!
He's loving ANYTHING with wheels right now!
He's loving ANYTHING with wheels right now!
Also, I had a college professor who raised her little girl entirely with male typical toys and clothing because she believed that gender typical bhaviors were a direct result of socialization. All her little girl wanted to do was play with dolls ...ha!!!
McHaney is BEAUTIFUL!!! See you tomorrow.
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