It is amazing the people you can reconnect with via blogging. Maggie Shearer (now Daniel) is an old friend from college I haven't talked to in years! She was Caroline's roommate. My senior year, their sophomore, I lived at home first semester. I use "lived at home" loosely because I really lived with them. I would probably spend the night in Caroline and Maggie's room at least 3 nights a week, maybe 4 or 5. Caroline and I would sleep together in her top bunk, which I'm sure was not conducive to sleep for Maggie. Plus, for those of you who know how messy I am, their room was in a constant state of disarray. My clothes, and other things, were always everywhere. Maggie just made me a sign that said "Rachel's Closet". She put it up in one corner of the room and just threw my stuff over there to get it out of the way. She was so sweet and never complained, not even to Caroline when I wasn't around. I was so freakin' rude!!!! If I was Maggie I would have told me to pay for a room of my own if I wanted to live on campus! So, Maggie, today I apologize for being so inconsiderate and such a slob. Thank you for being so good natured and patient. Atleast it was just one semester!!!!
YEA MAGGIE!!!! Thank you for being such a sweet and wonderful roommate!
I can't believe you dedicated an entire post just to me!! I'd actually forgotten a lot of that. I really didn't mind you being there, I promise.
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