Friday, March 30, 2007

Prayer Request

Hey Everybody. We have a quick prayer request. McHaney had her 9 month checkup today and the doctor heard a heart murmur for the 2nd time. We are going to see a pediatric cardiologist Monday morning at 9am. It may be nothing, but it could be serious. So, any prayers you could throw our way would be appreciated. We'll keep you posted. They said we'd know Monday, so you'll know then too!



Heather said...

Rach, We will be praying for sweet McHaney!

Carrie, The Modern Housewife said...

Absolutely. I'll phone up the big guy right now!

Melissa P. said...

I am asking the Lord to grant you peace this morning...for the Doctors to have wisdom and sensitivity as you meet with them and for you to feel confident that McHaney is in the Lord's hands!